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Colorado Rivers Update: COFFINTOP DAM LIVES?

Hi Friends of Colorado’s Rivers,

One of our major water court fights in Colorado has made a big news story today. The Colorado Sun, which is often the leading water-reporting publication in the state, has a free story up highlighting our work to fight the proposed COFFINTOP Dam near Lyons, Colorado. At 350-feet tall, the dam would be a massive river-destroying, wildly expensive, and community-changing monument to a 50-year-old mindset.

The story is posted here — take a look!

At the beginning of 2024, we decided to engage in these dam battles in state water court at the earliest possible time to try and derail them before they even begin large-scale and expensive federal permitting battles. It’s inconclusive what we will achieve at this point, but we’re causing the dam-builders and river-destroyers to squirm and shout and try to rationalize their irrational plans.

I told The Colorado Sun:

“They have been doing their diligence for (more than) 40 years and the world and state and the county and community have changed a lot since then. And they are still proposing to build this massive river-destroying dam.” — Gary Wockner

We’re thrilled to be working with the University of Denver Environmental Law Clinic on these water court battles. Not only are we standing directly in the path of dam builders, but we are helping to educate and empower the next generation of environmental attorneys across the West.

Your support keeps us paddling against the current!

You can donate online by clicking here on our website.

Thank you!


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