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Costa Rica’s Rivers.

In 2015, Gary Wockner traveled to Costa Rica to support the work of the Waterkeeper Alliance organization, Nicoya Peninsula Waterkeeper. Gary’s work was partly focused in highlighting the impact on rivers in Costa Rica caused by a massive network of hydropower dams across the country. Gary wrote a piece for Ecowatch titled, “The Hydropower Methane Bomb No One Wants To Talk About” that was one of the first stories in the popular media focusing on methane emissions from dams and reservoirs. The  piece was also published by Waterkeeper Magazine as “The False Promise of Hydropower“.

Gary continues to be a global voice about how hydropower is “dirty energy”, which is also a program of Save The World’s Rivers, and he continues to communicate with advocates, government officials, and the media about the greenwashing of Costa Rica’s hydropower program.

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